The Strategic Impact of Great Marketing on Sales Success: A Guide for C-Suite Executives

Ross Munro Williams Marketing, Opinion, Sales

Great marketing is more valuable than most C-suite execs or founders often realise. And they’ll see the impact—or lack thereof—on their sales teams’ performance at the point of negotiation. Ask them: when speaking to new prospects, how strong do they feel their position is when starting the negotiation process? Are they starting from a point of absolute strength with a …

Marketing is misunderstood

Marketing. Misunderstood, mismanaged and misinformed

Ross Munro Williams Marketing, Opinion

I started this year with a statement that I couldn’t shake.  “Marketing is the most misunderstood aspect of business management.”  After so many years of leading strategic guidance for clients, I realised that this misunderstanding isn’t because of the services, the know-how, the prior work, the proof, the talent or the team. The fact is, marketing is completely and comprehensively …

Choosing Marketing Strategy over Tactics

Ross Munro Williams Brand Marketing, Strategy

You can have the best quality product, the best-packaged service, and the greatest idea ever, it isn’t worth much without people ready to buy it. So, how do you plant your flag in your target market’s mind? How do you elevate your brand to become top of mind? How do you create demand for your offering? Ditch your marketing hacks …